Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Growin a Beard

Okay, now today is Tuesday October 15, 2013.   I'm still alive but somewhat behind schedule on the actual living side of things.  It is about 10:40 A.M. and I have an issue about whether I should shave or not.  Ladies, it's a known fact that a man naturally thinks his beard looks great on him.  He's looking in the mirror thinking, "Yeah, yeah... I'm liking it."  It's just a few days old so it's juuust pass that 60 grit sandpaper stage?  Fellas, you know that point where your wife likes the look of your 9 o'clock shadown but not the feel?  You know.... you try to give her a kiss on the cheek and five minutes later she's hunkered down on the couch she has a cotton ball with Neosporin on what could possibly be a permanent scar if not treated properly?   If you don't then you were probably blessed with a nice soft beard.  When I say blessed I mean you are one of the lucky ones who didn't look like a tenth grader in the eight grade.  Even if you didn't you had one of us as a friend and you know that it’s that brief period in the early stages of beard harvesting when a man can take the enamel off of a 57 Chevy with his chin.  It falls between the day you decide, "I'm gerrrr....owin' a beard!" and can last anywhere from two to three days or longer.  (I don't know why I feel the need to express myself in the voice of Jackie Gleason
but that's what I was going for there).  Anyway... I'm Looking in the mirror thinking, "Yeah this is looking cool.." and I'm thinking that I'm starting to that tough guy look like Jason Stathom. But, In actuality I'm starting to look more like this guy:
And.. so, once again, I'll probably wuss out and shave it off today so I won't be eyeballed suspiciously when I go to Wal-Mart. 

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